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ISSN 1801-9900
Vydává: Spoleènost senior o.s.

Createt by NETtip 2006

Byl Masaryk vubec Cech?
Coby reakci na muj clanek "Byl Masaryk proti-cesky?" mne muj dlouholety pritel, profesor Oldrich Kyn z Boston University obdaril radou odkazu, ktere dale dloubaji v mnou pocatem tematu. Mistnim nacionalistum se omlouvam za casti textu, ktere jsou psany v anglictine. Pokud se nechcete zdrzovat ctenim, ci jsou-li snad cizi jazyky nad vase schopnosti - kratky cesky vycuc je nasledujici: Masaryk byl zidovsko-nemeckeho puvodu, tedy ani vzdalene ne Cech ci Moravan, nebo dokonce Slovak. Cesky se opravdu naucil az pocatkem dospelosti (jak se tady kterysi vlastenec pohorsene divil) a dle tvrzeni pametniku mluvil az do smrti cesky se silnym nemeckym prizvukem.
Profesor Kyn napsal nasledujici: Many of Hausner's statements are wrong and I do not agree with his conclusions, but I would not call him idiot and certainly he is not semiliterate. His main point is that the break of Austro-Hungarian empire was wrong and if it was not for Masaryk it would not happen, Austria together with Germany could have brought European Union many decades erlier and could have prevented the WWII. According to Hausner Masaryk influenced Wilson to enter in WWI which lead to the known results. Even worsen Hausner claims that Masaryk was in fact German and that he betrayed the 3 millions Germans that lived in Bohemia and Moravia.
Here is what Hausner wrote about Masaryk:
" His mother was the daughter of a German Gastwirt (innkeeper) in the old German Town of Auspitz, Moravia. She went to Vienna for a short time and then became the cook of a very wealthy family - the Redlich's - a Jewish family whose language was German. His legal father was an illiterate Hungarian Slovak by the name of Joseph Masarik. It was generally accepted, that his biological father was Mr. Redlich. This was rather common, not just in wealthy Jewish families, that young women, who kept the household, also served as mistresses or concubines. After she was pregnant for a few months, she married a much younger illiterate coachman at the Redlich estate, to establish a legitimate family. They married August 15, 1849, however, Thomas was born on March 7, 1850. It was a little kept secret that the biological father was Nathan Redlich, who had from his own marriage three sons, all of whom became well to do. Since Masaryk's mother was German and the Redlich family spoke German, Thomas grew up with the German language. He, in his later years, spoke very highly of his mother, who gave him everything, but he rarely mentioned his legal father or his brothers, or perhaps stepbrothers is a better term.
Nathan Redlich was generous to Thomas Masaryk and it is well known, that his attorney. Dr. Alois Prazak of Brunn (Brno) paid frequent amounts to the Masaryk family for the education of Thomas. When Thomas entered elementary school, he studied in German. Later, at the high school in Brunn (Brno), these studies, as well as his university studies in Vienna and Leipzig, were in German. As late as 1879, his colleague Penicek had to translate for Masaryk his positions into the Czech language. He spoke Czech with a strong German accent until his death. Yet, he became a fanatical Czech nationalist, hating the Habsburgs and perhaps due to that, everything German, especially the Catholic church.
Later, when Masaryk created Czechoslovakia, many Sudeten Germans hoped and believed he would be friendly to them because of his heritage. It is true, that Masaryk recognized that the Bohemian Germans or the Sudeten Germans were economically and culturally more advanced than the Czechs. "
Dale profesor Kyn pokracuje v cestine: Kdyby nebylo Masaryka, nebyly by vytvoreny Ceske legie (v Rusku a Italii), ktere prispely dosti vyznamne v boji proti Rakousku a Nemecku.
Take by asi USA nevstoupily do prvni svetove valky, protoze je znamo, ze Wilson byl puvodne proti tomu a ze to byl prave Masaryk, ktery ho primel ke zmene nazoru. Kdyby USA neprispely k WWI tak by mozna Nemecko a Rakousko neprohraly a nedoslo by tedy k tomu hlubokemu hospodarskemu upadku a fantasticke inflaci v povalecnem Nemecku. Je docela mozne, ze za takove situace by se Hitlerovi nepodarilo ziskat moc a privest Nemecko k Nacismu a druhe svetove valce.
Doufam, ze na rozdil od mistiho pseudocisare chapete, ze toto nejsou moje nazory nybrz nazory Sudetskeho Nemce Karla Hausnera. Na rozdil od nej si nedovedu predstavit, ze by Masaryk neexistoval (s vyjimkou situace kdyby se mu nepodarilo emigrovat, nebo byl unesen zpet do Rakouska, protoze byl rakouskym soudem odsouzen ke smrti). Vime take, ze Masaryk byl jen jednim z mnoha representantu a organizatoru ceskeho naroda a navic podobna nespokojenost se vyvinula take v jinych narodech, ktere byly Rakusany potlacovany, takze i bez Masaryka by mohlo dojit k rozpadu Rakouska-Uherska.
Tolik profesor Kyn, aby bylo jasne kdo rekl co a abych nebyl obvinovan, ze kradu nekomu citaty (mam svych vlastnich citatu dost).
Sam za sebe bych rad dodal, ze dokud nebudou ti tak typicti cesti narodovecti soviniste (pokud chcete priklady, prectete si komentare pod mymi clanky od vsech tech vlasteneckych anonymu) pravidelne mlaceni mokrym hadrem pres ty jejich nevymachane drzky, dotud bude soucasna Ceska republika jen velmi obtizne hledat sve misto v Evrope a byt jen "evropske" civilizaci vubec. O svetove civilizaci ani nemluve.
Ross Hedvicek

Poslední komentáø: 08.02.2007  19:19
 08.02.  19:19 Jaroslav chtìla by ta diskuse více klidu /jako se ©vejkem úvíce znalostí a ménì emocí
 09.12.  23:47 mi¹a
 16.11.  17:49 Boøivoj K èlánku p. Hedvicka
 16.11.  14:14 Jarda Josefovi
 15.11.  23:43 Josef Josef Jardovi
 15.11.  22:45 Jarda Josefovi
 15.11.  22:35 Jarda ¾ivotopisy slavných
 15.11.  22:27 Josef Hedvicek Ross
 15.11.  15:00 Kotacka
 15.11.  14:51 Kotacka
 15.11.  13:37 Veselhana Vzpomínka na staøenku + Byl Masaryk vùbec Èech?
 15.11.  11:21 Milan
 15.11.  09:39 gagiknedlik jsem také pro
 15.11.  09:20 Pavel
 15.11.  08:48 janina
 15.11.  08:40 emach